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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 30, 2023


Ah shit, is this the time line where privacy isn’t needed cause people want better AI?

My opinion is that concealed filming be inadmissible in court without a “warrant” to allow its entry as evidence. Prosecutors have to state what they hope the concealed video will contain, and only that portion can be used.

Too many missing people for me to agree entirely that concealed filming is completely bad.

I don’t believe that the NSA has a portal giving them direct access (probably naive).

They definitely have a secret agent 🕵️‍♀️ nerd on the inside providing intel on the structure. Maybe inject exploits or guide them when needed.

They definitely have a direct e-mail address to cloudflare legal to serve national security letters that cloud flare is obligated to comply with. Which is a portal with extra steps, but which cloud flare can raise a fuss if they notice the requests are turning into vacuum cleaners, and not union membership research.

Most important part of the blog post:

We are planning a 3rd party security audit for the protocols and cryptography design in July 2024, and also the security audit for an implementation in December 2024/January 2025, and it would hugely help us if some part of this $50,000+ expense is covered with donations.

You can do your part to get that info off of Twitter.

Get a separate browser just for Twitter use. If there’s info that’s only on Twitter re-post it elsewhere.

Stockholm syndrome is made up but posts like these keep convincing me it’s real.

Guys, I think all these computers took military funding. Wake up sheeple.

Step 1: don’t use a computer

Step 2: letters to your friends need a probable cause warrant to be viewed

Step 3: invite your friends over for dinner, or go hangout with them


Tor network could always use more obfuscation.

Proton is the only one I know of who takes mailed cash.

This was all an opsec problem. And not even an “exposed my ip address because a software bug leaked it” it was an “here’s my usual email address in case I get locked out”.

The cops didn’t need to break into proton email. They just asked the backup email address for that stuff.

It’s not casually allowed. The courts have determined there can be minor intrusions into your body under strictly limited conditions including after a warrant. Arguing that the whole thing is crazy is pointless because you have no constitutional protection once a judge certifies the circumstances necessitate it.

The prosecutors are the ones pushing to get rid of the warrant requirement for blood draws.

You have the option of refusing the breathalyzers, but most legislatures have the automatic clause that you instantly get treated as failing the breathalyzer test.

A minor who gets her face turned into porn wouldn’t be able to sue because it’s not photoshop, it’s AI. /s

If blood draw is done properly it should be pretty uneventful.

Permanent damage could get a lawsuit to compel a less risky procedure by the cops.

Its in the first sentence:

Apple and Google have removed apps that promised deepfake nudes

The apps promised to fuck other people over. Your other suggestions have other uses than making fake nudes.

Censorship resistance means shit all if you’re signing everything you write with your IP address.

As opposed to my unpaid lemmy server admin learning about how his/her life is going to be shit if they don’t cooperate with gov agents.

Same result, but notice the extra step with lemmy?

There are no clients approaching nostr from a privacy respecting perspective. All the advice is “just run it on TAILS bro”.

When a client comes out that can bind to a VPN, or only send traffic to an onion address, then I’ll be interested.

It’s cheapish, and automates something that you should be doing. Easy way to add value to what you pay for

The reauthorization expanded it to anybody with a computer who passes on communications with the computer.

The Wyden/Lummis amendment would have struck language that expands the definition of an electronic communication service provider to include, with some exceptions, any “service provider who has access to equipment that is being or may be used to transmit or store wire or electronic communications.” The exceptions are for public accommodation facilities, dwellings, community facilities, and food service establishments.

So basically anybody with a computer network open to the public has to bend over in secret. This changes nothing if you assume all connections end up in their metadata database. It just makes it faster. Use your VPN/tor/i2p

At least she didn’t hire a private investigator.

A human hunting for you can be pretty effective.

First question: there are already free apps (signal) that will provide E2EE through the Verizon network.

Second question: yes, it wouldn’t matter if the encryption was setup right.

Third: carrier locked phones can install the free software, see answer to question one

Thanks for highlighting that part of history.

The guy literally printed the algorithm in a book to show that the first amendment protects encryption math. Luckily the justices at the time were definitely pro first amendment. Unlucky that they used first amendment to justify citizens United

Apple gets your voice recordings which for various privacy laws they can’t resell. “Yay wiretap laws from the 50s”

As for typing, a quick search, apple support claims that the keyboard cache is only used for autocorrect purposes. How often you use a word and how you like to spell it.

Having it function as a keylogger would give them a headache, from data use, battery life, hackers exploiting it, etc.

And of course the warnings seem targeted at third party keyboards who can add on extra feature beyond IOS barebones.

Would have been better to run the script that edits posts, just to fuck with the data.

China and Facebook would probably buy it for their own profile databases on every person on the planet.

Chances of that though are unlikely. Both are more worried about short term things. For China spotting dissent and trends on the fly. For Facebook selling ads more accurately.

FCC recently begged congress to let them punish spam calls. It turns out that they currently have to research then forward to the justice department for it to do its own research then file an order against a specific name, then the company changes its name and throws the fine in the trash can, and the cycle repeats

Excuse me? You just pay the Appletree wizards for their magical rectangles. Simple

Don’t think those guys update that much. Still have libreddit for Reddit

So basically no chance of it coming to iOS. Given that even open source apps have options to purchase donations in the iOS app, cause developers can’t eat gratitude

Closer to, cellular networks were never designed for privacy but ensuring you have a signal in the first place.

It’s a horrible coincidence that a system that can beam data to your location also knows your precise location. Almost like laws should have been passed for privacy decades ago, but the lawmakers at the time were still complaining about nobody using telegraphs anymore.

Regardless of it being a bad idea, it’s convenience completely overwhelmed any privacy considerations. As far as I can tell, we’re marching towards a cashless future with the last dam being politicians need for untraceable cash themselves. But those old politicians are being replaced by family dynasties who have replaced cash payments with favors for their son’s wife’s firm.

Feudalism with extra steps, as ordained by our Heavenly Father Mr. monopoly man