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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 10, 2023


Some people are not smart enough to convey sarcasm online without coming off sincere.

I would argue that this is an improvement over modern designs because one can memorize the orientation of the buttons and change gears without looking. One time I was driving a Buick and I accidentally engaged the E-Brake because there is zero tactile difference between Drive and E-Brake. Having to constantly look at the very bottom of a display panel, with zero peripheral vision on the road whatsoever, to fuck with a row of toggles to change the cabin A/C because making everything completely uniform is fashionable is inexcusable to me. I think that these large infotainment systems should be banned from cars and only something large enough for a backup camera is really necessary. All these apps and displays and flashy animations are so badly distracting.

Just got my 2014 RAV4 and I’m in love. I was using rentals between vehicles and Holy Fuck do I hate modern cars. WHY do we need a fucking DIAL for the gear shift? Or BUTTONS? Why do I need a fucking 18" display!!

Just bought a 2014 RAV4

Looking forward to zipping around my friend’s 2023 Bronco in 20 years when mine is still kicking at 400k miles and his transmission took a shit

Two tildes have to be enclosed around text to get a strike-through styling. ~~like this~~ like this