Hail Satan.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


Crazy that they wrote an entire article for one guy’s conversation about motor oil. Sounds like a really effective use of resources that is very real and not made up.

Not that I give a shit, but I can see you potentially catching some flack for listing the USA as an “authoritarian regime” lmfao

Your house heard about the dark web and thought it needed some light.

Yep, I’m with you on that. I’m actually pretty tech-literate, and even I don’t have the time/energy to bother with all of that shit. That’s a lot of work and maintenance just for a single task that I want to be as idle as possible. Watching videos should just be two clicks, not studying and building and troubleshooting and updating and configuring a dozen things.

Yes, I’m using Discord’s terminology for a discussion about Discord. What they call a “server” is not actually a server, but that’s the term they went with.

I could’ve used the Discord dev term “guild”, since that’s how “servers” are referred to internally and in the code, but I don’t think as many people would understand what I meant by that.

You should start at the fact that Discord is owned by a chinese company.

Discord Inc is a privately-owned American company. If you’re referring to Tencent, they are investors, and not owners. And they’re only one of several foreign investors. As for ownership, two dudes share majority ownership of the company.

Then discuss everything else.

Maybe you should do ten seconds of Googling before discussing anything.

Discord is just the preferred platform for that sort of group-based text comms. It’s better both in a technical sense (more feature-rich and more reliable), and a UX sense, for a majority of users. It’s also free to set up a server, which gives it a huge boost to usability. Matrix has a long way to go if they want to compete.

OP claimed it’s his private bookmarks not facing public

OP is mistaken. Read the email in the screenshot.

This doesn’t involve your browser bookmarks. Google Collections is a link sharing tool.


I don’t give a fuck if you like Google or not, but spreading misleading FUD is the real underhanded move.

There are plenty of valid reasons to be critical of Google. This ain’t one.

This is misleading. Not sure if by ignorance or malice, but it’s very misleading.

This isn’t happening with your browser bookmarks. This is Google Collections, which is a shareable bookmarking feature, meaning it can be made publicly available. That’s why it’s moderated. It’s basically Google’s version on something like Pinterest.
