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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Im running a 7000 card on Arch since January (7900xt) without issues. For the first 1-2 months I had to install the git version of the drivers from a separate repo, but it still worked like a charm, a thousand times better than Nvidia (not only performance wise)

Maybe look into https://www.github.com/medusalix/xone there’s also some useful links in there. But afaik Bluetooth controllers have pretty bad latency on Linux

I have never heard of streaming a screen over bluetooth and I highly doubt that the bandwidth would be enough for even a few frames per second. Are you sure that your TVs bluetooth is for streaming a screen and not for audio only?

If you dual boot on separate drives it should be fine to use grub or systemd boot (or sth else), most Linux bootloaders can detect Windows installations and boot them. On the same drive it is fine as well, but windows tends to overwrite the bootloader with updates (which would be the same even when not booting Windows from the “Linux” bootloader).

As you said, just do it and try it out. In my experience basically any game runs on Linux these days, with some exceptions, most of them caused by anti cheat (like Fortnite, valorant and some others)

I haven’t read anything you wrote other than the title, but yes AMD is so much better, everything just works, nothing breaks with updates, no weird quirks,… It’s just so much QoL you get by using AMD

Imo any distro basically just works the same, I’ve never tried one of the “gaming” distros, but installing steam, proton and lutris is so straightforward that any distro will do imo. From there on it’s just a matter of going onto protondb and figuring out tweaks for your games.

As for dual boot I highly recommend separate drives, windows likes to overwrite grub with every update if located on the same drive. From there on just do a basic Linux install and configure your bootloader to look for other bootable oses