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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Aug 24, 2023


Fennec F-Droid is based on the latest Firefox release (codenamed Fenix). It has proprietary bits and telemetry removed, but still connects to various Mozilla and Google services that can track users.

Edit: Quickly checked an article from Mike Kuketz (german): https://www.kuketz-blog.de/firefox-datensendeverhalten-android-app-f-droid-version-browser-check-teil6/

Fennec contacts mozilla servers to get new lists for the anti fingerprinting and anti tracking technologies. Also xml files with info about vulnarabilities etc. It sends not much.

Google is contacted when you have google as standard search provider and search suggestions active.

Otherwise no tracking etc

I second Mull. Fennec is okay as well.

I’m following this one since 2020 and it is really going places. Latest weekly I played was very playable and fun! Great work!

If you want to self host, I recommend mailcow. It is not that hard to install and if you follow the instructions you’ll have a working solution whose mails are not considered spam by every other sane server. Sadly, some operate with whitelists.

Most Wifi bulbs work locally with home assistant for example. And you can stop their communication with the internet with some basic network administration. Otherwise, Zigbee bulbs do not communicate over the internet, they can’t. You will need a zigbee router, but there are open source solutions for that.

Individual countries do care. Germany has pretty comprehensive privacy laws already. And it is not only about privacy, it is also about power and regulation.

You can install gamescope on any distro, Arch has it in its repos, plus the git version and the plus version in the aur!

That’s not what OP said, they’re asking for two different metrics without any implication about dependency.

I use FlorisBoard. It’s not perfect, but it has a fully featured clipboard and undo-redo functionality. Missing the swipe tho.