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Joined 2M ago
Cake day: Jul 06, 2024


That was what I thought five years ago. I was on the verge of removing it, and the android Facebook app killed my phone’s battery, so delete it went.

And suddenly all my family drama stopped and if someone needs to get in touch with me, how surprising that they still found a way.

Doing minor “crime” in school was how I became a programmer!

This is a very rude question, but on this subject of being lean, I looked up your 990, and you pay yourself less than … well, you pay yourself half or a third as much as some of your engineers.

Yes, and our goal is to pay people as close to Silicon Valley’s salaries as possible, so we can recruit very senior people, knowing that we don’t have equity to offer them. We pay engineers very well. [Leans in performatively toward the phone recording the interview.] If anyone’s looking for a job, we pay very, very well.

But you pay yourself pretty modestly in the scheme of things.

I make a very good salary that I’m very happy with.

That’s pretty cool. But knowing the number would matter.

Dude doesn’t have a phone? And isn’t near another human with a phone or a watch?

Or approximate the time by seeing the position of the sun or stars?

Edit: it was a joke.

All this because Windows 8 started to evolve into a walled garden with the Microsoft Store and that pissed off Valve.

Here’s to Windows ownership significantly dropping thanks to SteamOS.

Nothing in my city and the crypto element gives off weird black market vibes.