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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 27, 2023


Just another item to charge it or replace the battery.

Frankly speaking, I tend to use wired if I can. I’m just one of those unlucky folks where whenever I’m in a hurry or something’s urgent. Things I use tend to be low on battery, ink, supply, gas, etcetera at that exact moment.

Either I’m unlucky or I have a tendency to forget to monitor things that need refilling.

What good is your privacy of those closest to you can be used to track you.

In short. I won’t force them, my spouse, to use privacy apps if she does not want it. I’ve accepted that absolute privacy in my case is impossible. So I use privacy apps because I like them not because I don’t want to be tracked. Heck, even my credit card tracks me, a service i cannot continue living without.

It’s the “if you’re not with us, then you’re against us” mentality.

Huh, I guess these people haven’t been roaming the real world for a long time, they get their ideas from television shows and movies.

I did this to my neighbor, as a favor for him. Cause what are buddies for?

Update: my neighbor sent a lawyer after me.