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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 07, 2023


I’m not sure why it would be any different from how this is treated with search engines. Both scrape massive amounts of openly available data and make it available in some form. Any training data or information that a model could potentially spit out is already available through a search engine’s index.

They could have added their own repos which is the concern here.

I actually ran into this issue just yesterday. Switching my java installation fixed it.

No I’d say that it has more to do with improved usability and better design overall making them unable to fix issues when they do occur. There isn’t one specific company or system to blame. Nearly everything has, for better or for worse, been boiled down into a webapp where there is minimal potential for error.

It’s also not really fair to compare gen z to Millenials as Millennials have had nearly twice as much time to figure things out.