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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 25, 2023


And for the cost, they get to retire with nice government pensions and better healthcare than any of their voters will ever see.

They get way more than just that if they are good little piggies for the ownership class. They get “advisory” positions and board membership that give massive salaries for doing fuck-all as they already did their “job” in government. Totes not a bribe of course, because technicallyyyyy…

I happened to freeze all my credit in the same weekend I switched car insurance so I don’t know who is to blame (my bet is on GEICO) but starting Monday I’ve been getting a bunch of spam calls and texts…

Such scumbags… If it’s the credit agencies they caused the problem for me to be there and are now profiting off the “solution” and if it’s GEICO it’s probably worse since I’m already fucking paying them, but no they need more.

Exactly. I fucking hate microsuck for putting me in this position, but I pretty much only use my PC for gaming and watching stuff and the games I really like have this EAC bs…

“Just get a console then bro” lol… Lmao even.

I decided not to pursue my interest in geology because I didn’t want to be stuck with the only employment options being oil companies.

It sucks that we need to give up so much even though they keep destroying and pillaging.

Hell I’m still on my 3xl lol I was considering getting a new one soon

EA exec: I haven’t shot us in the foot much lately, I think it’s time we did some more of that.

I’m at work so I can’t dig for something better, but this was posted yesterday so it was a quick pull from my browser history.


Edit: don’t be dumb guys, don’t downvote them for simply asking for proof of a claim I made without evidence lol

Every concept of hell and the details on what earns you a spot there I have always translated to “hell on earth.”

As in: the things someone would do to earn them a spot in hell creates hell on earth. There is no hell other than the hell people create for us here.

I mean that’s exactly where we are headed in the US.

Project2025 in part wants to institute laws against blasphemy… They quite literally want to make the united states a theocracy, absolutely no fucking exaggeration here. It’s literally what they want.

The consoles are the fucking things I don’t want to buy… I’m sick of Nintendo and their “buy my console or fuck you” motto…

I haven’t bought an Xbox since the 360 and haven’t bought a PlayStation since PS4 because I’m so sick of dropping hundreds of dollars on a console for one or two games since the parent companies are assholes and won’t have the games ported to PC. At least Sony and Microsoft got the message that you can have your console and sell the games on PC