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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: May 03, 2023


The Ontario government has had a few initiatives to push smart thermostats and my area just had our water meters upgraded to smart ones. I know nothing about the water meters, but I block the Google telemetry from my Nest Thermostat (unrelated to the gov’t program) via my pi-hole at least. By definition, if you sign on to the Enbridge thermostat initiative you are agreeing to send your usage. Not really sure of the impacts of this article on Canada, but pretty chilling nonetheless!

I use Shelter from F-Droid to create a work profile and then install RethinkDNS on that profile which blocks any trackers from the “bad” apps (you can add a tonne of blocklists). Additionally, if you have a Pixel, GrapheneOS has total app isolation (including storage scopes) so Messenger only has access to what you allow.

No worries! Strange of them to put a deadline…I agree the hardware is pretty solid!

Yeah, thankfully worked in Brave! I use Firefox (Librewolf) and haven’t installed Chrome in years…def annoying but not unexpected from Google!

If you haven’t already, be sure to convert it to Bluetooth mode from WiFi before the end of December or you won’t be able to use it anymore…I only found this out after trying to set it up with my Retropie. The link to the google web tool to convert it is here!

My bank app works great even without google services!