Angry_Autist (he/him)

IED(EDS) sufferer and spectrum surfer. You probably won’t like what I have to say.

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Joined 2M ago
Cake day: Jul 20, 2024


Firefox for most things, but I keep a copy of Vivaldi installed because sometimes my firefox setup breaks capcha.

It was 1) only a brief period where they were experimenting around with new stereo broadcast capabilities or 2) a schtick

Just that so much good music was made during this time that we imagine the period lasted longer than it did

I’m less angry about the terrible software and moreso about it’s terrible community.

Do you honestly think linux will be desktop ready if people can’t just install it and go?

It doesn’t matter who’s fault it is, it only matters if a solution is forthcoming.

If the manufacturers don’t make it, then one of you has to. But you are all too busy working on your fuckdamn vanity distros to actually unify and do something to forward the OS.

I have tried unsuccessfully to transition to linux as my daily driver more than five times now since the early 00s and every single time I run into a major failure that halts all progress, and then I go back to it a few years later hoping for something different and each time being left for days without being able to get it running. Never had this problem with windows.

And I’m a seasoned senior IT admin that has stood up and maintained dozens of linux servers in my lifetime.

Yet every time I share my terrible experiences with the software AND the community, there’s alway some rancid windowlicker rushing into the comments to tell me “Acktchsually it is commercial software that is wrong”, again reminding me of just how terrible you people are.

And now that I have someone of your ilk here, I’d also like to ask:

#Why the FUCK are you people wasting so many millions of hours of human effort by everyone and their brother making functionally identical distros with vanity tweaks, and getting into doxxing over stupid shit like over which U.I. to package.

Your software is shit, it will never be desktop ready because none of you can focus on the real issues. You can lie to yourself all you want but Windows is simply the superior desktop OS.

Keep in mind, I don’t really like Windows, but I fucking hate linux with a seething vitriol only matched by some racist homophome grandpas seeing their daughter kiss a black woman. And people like you are 30% of the reason.

Ok cool now make a distro that handles my peripherals. Oh that’s not happening? Ok, fuck linux.

I hate nearly everything about web 2.0, if I could thanos snap away Javascript and CSS I would it with zero remorse or regret. Humanity was happier before CDNs.

Or you could block all cookies from all associated domains and use uBlock Origin element picker to hide the popup.

I’m tired of expecting service and site owners to be human beings, and have learned the tools needed to curate my own experience. Hell I used to browse with javascript off for years until every shitbag UI graduate decided to cram it into every single site regardless of applicability.

fuzzy logic doesn’t send a constant stream of user data back to the mother company.

The problem isn’t using choice making systems, the problem is using purchased appliances as spyware for corporate profit.