Hi. My name is Buck Figots. I am an avid human rights proponent.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 23, 2023


Thanks for the insight. I deleted Fennec and migrated over to Mull.

Did Fennec do all this privacy nonsense too?

I thought the left was the ones who cared, and the right was all like “If you dont have anything to hide you shouldnt be worried” bootlickers.

Oh, I suppose i should uproot my life and move to Arizona to take part in AZ politics?

Its like, you must of read my post, but your comprehension skills leave a lot to be desired.

I live in the PNW. Every election cycle I get massive amounts of Arizona conservative text spam. How
It all comes from Arizona. Ive never been to Arizona. My phone number isnt anywhere near Arizona. One year, I replied STOP to every text. Nothing stopped. Now I just cuss them out and block them, but it still persists. I wrote an email to the Arizona Republican's main office and demanded my number be removed from thier canvassing. Crickets. More spam. 3 today alone. I am so tired of this shit. It doesnt help that I think conservatives are pieces of shit and I am a member of a marginalized community that they are targeting with hate and discriminative laws.

Sounds like someone in the Spanish govt is familiar with adult bookstore glory holes.

porn credits. gtfh

I am familiar with the game I spy.

I did not pick up on that. I thought it was a Yoda reference.

I use Thunderbird and no other portion of their “suite”.

edit: unless you count Firefox. I use that, too. But, that’s all! I swear! lol

There’s a good chance the customers just don’t like you.