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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


I guess we complain as loud and as often as we can. And give our money to companies that support Firefox. Thankfully most of my coworkers, at every company I’ve worked at, use Firefox use Firefox so the website usually works because they needed it to to do their job

Prop 8 was also awhile ago so it’s possible he changed his mind. People forget how common it was to be shitty on this issue in the 2000’s. The public consensus only flipped in like 2013.

I have no evidence either way though

That said, Brave is worse software than Firefox imo so it’s a moot point.

Not really. I’ve gotten plenty of bugs fixed on other sites by just sending them a screenshot of something going wrong in Firefox. For the big companies like Facebook though you’re entirely correct

Because all the web devs optimize for chrome because they dominate the market. If more people use Firefox then devs will start to care about performance in it

(You’re a dev so I assume you know this. This comment is mainly for other people)

Brave is literally a grift. Too many people are falling for it.

Wait shit you’re right. I’m too used to the mobile links that have the ID after the slash

On YouTube links, delete anything after the ?

Someone post the next website

The government can already identify you, and your identity is easy to steal. Making a better ID system just removes the identity theft issue.

The other nice thing would be you could use the id number instead of your name so you can stop giving your PII out to every business. Just “here’s my ID number, bill my insurance, you don’t need anything else.”

SSN’s main issues are that it’s hard to change, and it’s predictable. If they know your date of birth and where you were born then they can reliably determine your SSN. And once your SSN is out, it’s very difficult to change unless your identity was already stolen.

I have no idea why you just asking a question got down voted.

We definitely do need one. Right now it’s a hodge podge of crap that wasn’t meant to be an identifier and it makes identity theft easy, and our privacy isn’t even being protected because we still have an SSN and tax ID.

Having worked in the medical space, a lack of identifier is actually a huge issue that causes problems for people daily, especially people changing their names for whatever reason.

I’m gonna be real, we do need an actual id system in the US. Right now we treat social security numbers like one, but they’re extremely insecure.

We’re going to have a number either way, may as well have one that isn’t as easy for scammers to steal.

Android head unit that doesn’t have mobile data. You’ll basically have a full phone in your car but it doesn’t have any way to connect to Google