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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Aug 25, 2023


There’s a vending machine in a co-working space I use sometimes that has a full on fridge and oven, and when you order off the touchscreen…something happens inside and sometimes a hot cooked thing comes out. I have no idea how it works and have not used it myself, because it seems possibly kinda gross.

Fair…but…if I start filtering jobs over whether or not I have to support Chrome, I’d be in for some hard times :(

Android tablets as linked devices is why I use it. Something Signal seems to refuse to add.

Any suggestions for someone who has multiple clients who solely support Chrome-only for their products so I have to do all my testing in Chrome (or Brave, Vivaldi, etc.)?

In some cases their apps straight up don’t function in Firefox or look substantially different and I’m not really allowed to bill for the time to address that.

Are there ways to design a room or things to put in a room (or the walls?) that would inhibit this ability?

I suppose lead shields or something…