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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


My comment says I had the same plugins.

My comment says I used Firefox for years and now am trying brave. It cannot be less one sided.

Are you suggesting my Firefox fingerprint changes every time? Where is the info on that?

I’ve been using Firefox for years, and recently switched over to Brave because it was able to provide a unique fingerprint result on EFF’s fingerprint tool. Even if I used the same plugins, Firefox had a unique fingerprint.

I ignore all the silly crypto and ad bs. Why should I use FF over Brave

Okay? Where is the proof it’s biased towards one browser

lol, even if people went through to change their defaults, why would they expect an image to be able to hijack their device?

There’s so many automated things on smart phones nowadays, should we disable everything to ensure avoiding future exploits?