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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Thanks for the explanation. Do you know how they’re planning to implement this client side scanning? Take an iPhone for example— where Apple has already ditched their plans to do the same device-wide. Is it planned for WhatsApp, Signal etc. to be updated to force perpetual scanning of the iPhone’s photo album? Because that can be turned off quite easily at the OS level.

The only way I could see them doing it is by scanning any image that is selectively chosen to be sent before the actual message itself is sent—i.e. after it’s selected but before the send button is pressed. Otherwise it’s breaking the E2E encryption.

Is that the plan?

Yeah this is truly insane. This will never be on my phone. It also helps that Europe thinks this is bullshit as well and it’s not available here.

“ Justice Minister Eric Dupond-Moretti insisted the bill would affect only “dozens of cases a year.“ “

Then why the hell go through all the work to make a new law?? (Obviously a rhetorical question…)