Valve released the latest update to SteamVR bringing with it a good few fixes, although most of it is for Steam Link. This follows on from a few recent Beta releases.

Im confused with Steam VR for linux. I cant seem to get it to work, and the FAQs page says vr streaming for linux isn’t ready yet. So are these updates just in preparation for a future working capability?

Steam Link doesn’t work on Linux. SteamVR, ALVR, WiVRN, and Monado work under Linux.There’s more headsets than the Quest.

Ahhh ok, that makes sense, thanks!

It definitely works if you are willing to tinker but we are a low priority and anything that breaks takes a long time to fix. There’s even another project called Envision which runs better than SteamVR but isn’t as easy to use yet.

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