Info on hand/eye tracking, "physical environment," and more could be included.

Install adaway and add some extra, meta, oculus and facebook blocklists

On multiple occasions I was given the choice to try a Quest. Never once did I.

The Doctor


Does this imply they weren’t anonymizing it previously?

The Doctor

Or actually will anonymize it henceforth.


Oh they will “start”. Right. I am positive they have not started before they announced they would, totally.

“Anonymized” sure

Day 499: “user watched porn again, penis is still very small”

Okay hear me out: Built-in dick measuring using the cameras. That would be a killer feature.


“will continue checking”

Wow, these news caught me off-guard. Never would’ve expected THAT from Meta… Gosh…

I know right? It’s incredible they weren’t collecting it already.

My sentiments exactly. That was not worth a post, and whoever did post should find helpful practical information and stop complaining on the internet.

Ever since I used a friend’s headset I’ve wanted one, but refused to get one for this reason.

bot account

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Starting with the next software update, though, the company will begin collecting and aggregating “anonymized data about… device usage” from Quest users.

That anonymized data will be used “for things like building better experiences and improving Meta Quest products for everyone,” the company writes.

A linked help page on data sharing clarifies that Meta can collect anonymized versions of any of the usage data included in the “Supplemental Meta Platforms Technologies Privacy Policy,” which was last updated in October.

That document lists a host of personal information that Meta can collect from your headset, including:

The anonymized collection data is used in part to “analyz[e] device performance and reliability” to “improve the hardware and software that powers your experiences with Meta VR Products.”

Those who use a legacy Oculus account are subject to a separate privacy policy that describes a similar but more limited set of data-collection practices.

The original article contains 340 words, the summary contains 148 words. Saved 56%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

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