Hey everyone,

I’m currently rocking a 3080 I bought second hand in my Arch Linux rig. It works great under xorg but not so much wayland. There are a number of bugs and gaming performance is worse. I would like to use wayland in general for the mixed refresh rates with dual monitors. My question is: Is AMD really that much better than Nvidia? Is the AMD experience issue free with wayland? Also, how is hardware encoding with AMD? I’m particularly curious how performance is for game streaming with sunshine. I currently use nvenc hardware encoding which is amazing and feels like there is no latency. Does AMD have a similar experience?


Yeah that’s fair. My memory is bad, but I think I remember installing the Radeon driver a long time ago. But then again, I’ve been using the AMDGPU driver for basically as long as I can remember. Must have been after 2015 then, or maybe I simply didn’t notice the bad per of the Radeon driver because I was coming from iGPUs so it was still an upgrade.

In any case, the amd hardware story has been good for several years now

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