I’ve used to be able to play this game just fine at around medium graphic settings through Proton (GE), but today when I launched it again after a while the performance was just really poor.

Like mouse-moves-at-30fps-in-the-menu-poor.

There have been plenty of package upgrades since my last launch including plasma 6, proton and the game itself. So I don’t really have any particular suspects here.

Running Arch with AMD GPU. Wayland/Xorg didn’t seem to make a difference.

Has anyone else experienced similar performance degrading in this or another game lately?

no experience with this game but performance drops happen frequently and randomly for me, Fedora, Lutris, AMD GPU. like, I play a game that I have 100+ hours played on the same hardware and software and everything is dandy - 60 FPS, butter smooth mouse and game play. next day, same game, same settings, no updates in the meantime, absolutely nothing changed - 25 FPS, mouse stutters, horror. next day everything is fine, and so on.


Stupid as it sounds, this seems to be the case. It works great now (+ extra smooth because of all the settings lowering :D ). I even rebooted yesterday to no avail. Today I haven’t done anything special with the machine.

How often has this happened to you?

it’s completely random and incongruent with anything that is or isn’t happening. same game (Starcraft 2 and Far Cry 5 are currently in rotation) runs fine and then it just doesn’t. yesterday launched SC2, played it for a while, everything is butter smooth. left it open to go make dinner. started a new game after like 15 mins - choppy, drops to 15 fps, horrible. played a couple rounds this morning - everything back to normal. and so on.

no huge temp spikes, no huge CPU loads, nothing I can pin down as correlated. both games are well within the capabilities of both CPU and GPU. I have C-states and Cool & Quiet disabled, so it’s nothing power-throttling related.

I don’t like rebooting, got way too much stuff open all the time, I do that maybe once a month; the rest is just suspend in the evening and wake in the morning.

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