Playtron have teased their PlaytronOS, taking aim at the gaming space to compete with SteamOS with a Linux-powered system. Could be exciting times ahead.

Let’s see, on one hand we have this list compiled by somebody on Mastodon:

  • mockup looks like they’re pitching a device.
  • mockup is missing critical functionality (buttons)
  • infected with cryptocurrency brainworms
  • they haven’t decided about open source yet
  • trash talking existing devices, yet being vaporware itself
  • grand claims that have no backing in reality (like Epic, Fortnite, Roblox)

And the article itself has this:

Update 13:34 UTC, 19/03/24: One of the videos Playtron supplied to The Verge, showcasing some tech used on mobile in the article linked below, wasn’t even their own and was taken uncredited from another person on YouTube, who hit them with a copyright claim and had it taken down. Not a good look.

I’m betting this is either an outright scam, or some small project by somebody WAAAAY over their head that won’t even see the light of day

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