(Not as scary as I look, I promise)
Oh boy, getting old here, let’s see if I can remember.
I think in part it was because they seemed unable to fix the Linux desktop client after months and months and months, and repeated support requests. Also, I had been a user of theirs for some time when they changed how their plans worked, and moved a feature I relied heavily upon (I think it was email templates—something you might never need!) to a much more expensive plan. Felt like I was being charged more for being a longtime user. I don’t know if they have cloud storage now, but at the time they didn’t, and Proton had that, along of course with mail and calendar—all of that for less than what Tuta was offering which was mail, calendar, and plenty of other features that were continuously promised but never released. So really just a bunch of little things that were important to me, but which other users might never miss.
AFAICT, it looks like all he’s doing is praising 🍄’s pick for AG in the Antitrust division . . . although if you look over her Wikipedia page, you’re right, it doesn’t look all that encouraging.
Can someone on Mastodon ask the Proton CEO what it was exactly that she did that he likes so much? Anyone who can work at Fox for any length of time, frankly, is complete and utter shite.
EDIT: Also, just as a broken clock can be right twice a day, 🍄 sank the Trans Pacific Partnership, which was the right thing to do, but for the wrong reason: mainly to get back at Obama for existing. So in the same way, I suppose it’s possible that Slater did something good, but I’d sure like to know what it was.
You could look at infomaniak, but I didn’t have the best experience trying out (or even getting started with) their services. Finding a provider that has all of Proton’s apps is going to be tough (or at least it was from me while I was looking to escape from Tuta). Good luck, tho.
EDIT: Infomaniak is on F-Droid!
EDIT EDIT: Infomaniak is only available in Europe! Infomaniak is only available with a European phone number, so using a VPN won’t help! 🙁👎
Unless I’m missing something, didn’t Yen just praise 🍄’s pick for antitrust AG? I forget her name, but her Wikipedia page didn’t make her sound all that great, so I’m not sure what exactly he was praising her for. If that’s all it is (and it might not be!) that hardly sounds like a betrayal.
EDIT: I was missing something! See this.