Well, it’s certainly true that it varies by where you are, but I’m pretty sure Graphene isn’t going to protect you from an APC any better than /e/OS, and the county sheriff where I live wouldn’t know a stingray from an Xbox, but maybe I just live too far out into the middle of nowhere to be typical.
They’re actually pretty good at protecting you from casual mass surveillance as long as you don’t do anything stupid with them, that was the whole point of my post. It’s just not profitable to spy on you if they have to bother to put any effort into it.
I also think you’re overestimating the capabilities of most local police. When I said state level actors I wasn’t just talking about the NSA. Smaller countries, actual US states, or even some big cities would be included there, but your local small town police department wouldn’t even know where to start. If you plan on personally pissing off any of those bigger police agencies then you should really just be assuming no phone is safe. Otherwise you’re not likely to run into anyone that even knows what de-googled android is, let alone how to get into it.
It’s dangerous to get too obsessed with trying to secure everything against state actor level threats. It’s not that hard to dramatically increase your privacy if you’re currently using a regular android phone. Sure, yes, more security is better, but a single individual’s private information isn’t actually that valuable. It only becomes valuable to exploit people at a massive scale. Even just putting up minor speedbumps to data collection can massively increase your privacy as long as you aren’t being individually targeted, and more people getting into caring about their privacy is a good thing. Any de-googled android rom is already a big step in that direction. Lets not let perfect be the enemy of good.
While it’s certainly true that some of the people who are angry at him for that tweet are saying things in their anger that are overboard, I think only pointing out the most ridiculous things that people who disagree with you have ever said in their anger is a really terrible way of engaging honestly on the subject.
It’s important to remember that an authoritarian that always figured out what the right thing to do was and did the opposite of that would be a really bad authoritarian. Republicans at the state level have been increasing state surveillance to hunt down and punish people for choices they make with their own bodies. For a lot of people in America, Trump is the head of the organization that they want privacy to protect themselves from, and the current largest threat to privacy in America.
For the CEO of a company that is supposedly about protecting our privacy to completely unprompted start publicly praising decisions made by the very threat we’re supposed to trust them to protect us from, and then to double down on their praise when called out, is deeply concerning.
Yes. It’s true that not every single thing Trump does will be the worst possible thing, but his goals are fundamentally opposed to ours. When I say I want big tech to be broken up it’s because I want their to be less concentration of power. When Trump wants to break up big tech it’s because he wants to eliminate the competition to his concentration of power. That is not worthy of my praise, even if in any one particular instance the thing he is doing is similar to what I would do, and the fact that the CEO of Proton either doesn’t understand this or doesn’t care is deeply concerning. I do not trust them after this, and I doubt they can ever get that trust back.
No, a single dumb tweet doesn’t make you a fascist. Running a company that people are supposed to trust with their privacy and security and doubling down on praise for a political party that has been using state surveillance to hunt down people for choices they make with their own bodies as the party of the “little guy” does mean I’m never going to trust you again, though.