Reddit refuge, Linux enthusiast, GrapheneOS loyalist & beer consumer par excellence.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 24, 2023


Okay. Do you have Wine installed?

Wine can potentially help resolve the .exe and .NET errors that you’re experiencing.

We’re you able to download the game via Steam? And if so, what method did you use to launch it via Lutris? Did you try launching it by accessing a file?

Try looking in: ~/.steam/steam/SteamApps/common

I don’t have BG3 installed, but I have had some weird issues when using Steam lately. Have you tried using Lutris to launch the game?

C’mon peeps…this is Linux Gaming (having fun, playing games and looking for help to get our favorite games to run properly). It’s a community focused on information and support - confrontations and PvP should be reserved for “in-game” experiences only ;).

Another update: I installed the game on a newer computer running a different OS, and BG1 is now working as expected.

It’s interesting, I only have a couple of Steam games in my library, but they all respond differently on my two systems - some that didn’t play, now do. And some that worked on the other system, won’t on the new one 🤷‍♂️.

I ran into the same problem with Steam today, and your post caught my attention.

I had been playing Carcassonne without any issues when I tried to launch it today and began receiving DirectX errors. Trying different Proton versions didn’t work for me either.

I’m running an i7 11th gen on openSUSE with a GeForce RTX 3050 with similar errors to yours.

It seems as though I am stuck in Tutorial prison. I’ve tried the suggestions here, but I’m unable to get anywhere.

I’ve read that other people are having problems with the current version of Steam, so this might be something that gets resolved via an update. Again, thanks for the help!

Thanks for the feedback everyone. I actually have Proton running at 8.3 (I’m not at the computer so I’m not sure of that number is correct).

I did try hitting single player first and it sends me into the same loop.

I did think of something that might be causing the issue, and if I’m right, it would be a real dumb ass moment for me 🤪. I’ll check that out and try your other suggestions as well. To be continued…

Having a weird issue with Baulder’s Gate 1
I downloaded it from Steam, and finished the tutorial. Then the transition video plays and I’m back at the main menu. However, when I select the play Baulder’s Gate option, it takes me right back to the end of the tutorial and I’m in this endless loop that I can’t get out of. Any suggestions?