• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 29, 2023


Wow! That’s awesome. Thank you!

Still, I can’t believe we’ve allowed the corporations to dictate the whole select all option — glad there’s a work around, but seriously, we used to have the select all feature everywhere.

Well, that’s good news. Not sure why it was easy for me in Firefox but impossible in Safari.

Thanks for taking a peek.

Difference with “Select” and “Copy” availability between browsers
It is my hope that Privacy is the community for this. I think freedom to use browsers the way we intend is a privacy issue. We have likely all seen or heard that the “Select All” option has been removed from Safari — don’t hate me, I won’t be doing apple again. That said, manual SELECTING of text still exists. Here’s the privacy issue: When I SELECT a small amount of text, I am offered the COPY option. When I SELECT a few hundred words, even at Gutenberg, I’m given zero time to hit the copy button. Just now I shifted to Firefox and had zero problem doing what I needed to do. Could other interested folks confirm this SAFARI bug/irritant/annoyance? Here’s the page I was using: https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/766/pg766.txt In safari, check what happens if you try to copy five words vs. 300 words.

What’s the best tool for discovering what your IP is when you are using TOR?
I've been using some available on the Internet but recently they all look the same and they all ask for CAPTYA which is an obvious attempt to obtain ones true IP. I'm new to privacy and hoping to learn more.

If I may, might privacy be both a personal, individual endeavor and a collective endeavor?

On the personal level, can’t we foil the corporate intrusion by choosing apps in the Fediverse?

And on the collective level, can’t promotion of the Fediverse help?

I’m aware that city and county records often contain my street address and that doesn’t bother me. I’ve got to pay taxes and vote.

But I look at it this way: that’s my front facing public identity. Basically the one I use at work that gets a paycheck. Not private. And yes, that’s a pity and that war is lost, but I lose nothing because of that.

But then there’s my identity that shares the goals of global groups that chafe against injustice and oppression. All that work separated from my public identity by multiple barriers. Personably not perfect privacy — watch The Conversation by Francis Ford Coppola for a discussion of perfect privacy.

Is this kind of approach practical and one that means we haven’t lost?