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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 22, 2023


That Kagi works and that Kagi doesn’t write their own database engine and host the project on a laptop 🤣

They won’t open source it because the rust code is very likely a joke. They are proud of just using two dependencies, don’t know that their “statically generated” stuff is actually called server side rendering and are hosting this stuff on a fuckin laptop.

It’s probably a project that will teach them a lot. But in practice their implementation is worthless to everybody else because they are obviously completely inexperienced.

That said, that project is likely not worthless to them because they will probably learn a ton of stuff why it’s hard to build a search engine.

Reducing the attack surface by not using well established and battle tested crates but reinventing the wheel inside this closed source project 🤣

“Only two crates used”. What’s great about reinventing the wheel? A closed source project with big claims trying to reinvent everything from scratch. Nice project 🤣

You can sure it’s end to end encrypted because the client can be analyzed to verify that claim.