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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


And they’re not doing it to protect their customers. They’re doing it so only they have this data.

Your identity, most of the time, is not revealed to the merchant. The payments online and through a credit-card machine are processed through a 3rd party. The seller doesn’t get your info, only money on their bank account.

Doesn’t your credit card provider still get all your data?

E.g. doesn’t visa/mastercard know about every transaction? They charge fees and they have a fraud prevention systems. So, I think, they do, right?

Me in yurop, using a debit MasterCard, never needed a credit score. Who has my data, what are they doing with it, and how do I burn down their server?

(The answer, kids, is Stripe. Give it some years, it will be lit)

And so what? You could be an oil dictatorship prince and donate a billion to Signal. It’s not going to compromise it in any way that is not directly auditable.

So, your fuckin question is misguided. You’re “only asking questions” while implying intent.

What part of non-profit and open-source do you not understand?

Review the source, build it yourself, be happy. It uses well-known assymetric encryption algorithms. Not much your agency could really do here even if they harvest all the traffic from the server.

Dude, it’s a non-profit, and their biggest contribution is money that was made by selling WhatsApp to Facebook. Cuz the guy just couldn’t live with what happened to his creation.

People run around with smartphones, everyone needs to register at their residency address, most people casually pay by card/phone literally everywhere, e.g. you could tell how much they drunk on a Friday night and in what bar, but oh boy, no, no, no, lemmy needs to pay for car 20k in cash, so the car salesman could cheat on taxes.

Just as important. And most phones these days have a setting to prevent it from charging to 100%. E.g. I set mine to stop at 90%.