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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 19, 2023


For now an embedded Bergamot Translator module does not support a Korean language, but thanks for your comment, i work on addding a new languages and your comment useful to demonstrate the importance a wide languages support.

With time a Korean language will supported, for now you can try to use a https://github.com/LibreTranslate/LibreTranslate as a Linguist custom translator (https://github.com/translate-tools/linguist/blob/master/docs/CustomTranslator.md). It will takes a time to configure your environment, but as result you can deploy a big AI model for text translation on your PC and use it with a Linguist if the private translation the key feature you needs for the Korean language

cross-posted from: https://programming.dev/post/1924228 > Hey everyone, check the Linguist > > - you can translate texts offline (with sent no one single byte to a Google and stay private) > - a lot of features and flexible configuration > - dictionary + history for learn languages > - it is are hackable - you can write code to use your own translation service