• 5 Posts
Joined 8M ago
Cake day: Nov 03, 2023

suddenly I cannot fully access The Economist behind tor without a subscription anymore
cross-posted from: https://linux.community/post/869500 > I used to read [The Economist](https://www.economist.com/) without a subscription behind tor to avoid captchas, ads and also to avoid their IP profiling (they limit the free articles a non subscription IP can read) but 2 days ago articles stopped showing also behind tor and the TBB. > > Now the website only shows the first 2 paragraphs of each article, the free portion they let you read to catch your eye before showing you their subscription options. > > Something similar happened with the New York Times years ago and I was wondering if you know any way to bypass this.

I deleted all my post from my reddit account, can they still monetize them?
Deleting a post is simply marking a piece of text so nobody sees it, but I think the text is still stored in their servers. Furthermore, a large company like reddit, must backup regularly, meaning there must be several copies of my posts in several SSDs. If the backup once a day… some of my posts are 5 years old. Companies exist to make money. I suspect they just marked my posts not to be readable by anyone, except staff and they can still monetize them. Am I wearing a tinfoil hat way too often?

I’m looking for email providers that don’t require a phone number to use with reddit
I'm not ready to drop reddit entirely and to create accounts there I need an email address. I don't want to disclose my phone number or any other personal information. I tried i2p, but for whatever reason, mail from reddit doesn't get its way to the inbox. What other providers could I use?

Question about phones: Am I overreacting?
I don't like so called smartphones (flashy devices to mine your data and other reasons) but my regular no touchscreen phone's microphone is no longer working as it should, making conversations difficult. Enter a smartphone I received as a present, my phobia (for lack of a better word) to smartphones and my (misguided?) obsession with privacy: I don't want to use this smartphone as my default phone because I'm scared the carrier, ISP or google are going to mine my data and trace my calls. Which might be an overreaction, because each time I use my regular cell phone, the carrier knows when I'm calling from, who I'm calling and how long the call lasts. So I ask you: how much more data would I be leaking if I use my new smartphone for calls only, compared to a regular, no touchscreen phone?