Hi you’re reading content by a non-AI person, 100% humane or at least furry.

Sometimes my posts are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Feel free to contact me for an alternative licensing deal.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 09, 2023


How about a guillotine? Those don’t seem to require a religious belief, only a modicum of trust in the well-studied force of gravity.

inb4 “buT M0zILlA sHouLd fOCuS oNlY iN ThE brOWsEr!!!1111”


$8.99, which is effectively $9, which is effectively $10

At that price it better all of it goes to the effort and not of it to the CEO.

Or you could just set the “mic” to blast some good ol’ Rick Astley.

Geocities. Geocities still lives on.

All that post needs to be truly complete is some marquee or blink.

Even worse for privacy, it uses the Chrome engine.

and also given that there will be no subscription model involved into all of that,

oh you sweet, sweet summer child.

It’s precrime; if they want to know my location instead of they already having it, it means they’ve absolutely failed at their job.

This could enable prosthetics with full dexterity that you can control. It could be life changing for some people.

This has already enabled corporations to force people to go under surgery to remove senses or limbs that had already been restored. With this technology, your body autonomy is now live service.