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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


I mean, to be open, I don’t actually see many consequences, so I don’t really do any particular things to protect privacy from like, google. I was sort of hoping someone here would give me one.

Show them the consequeces. You might scare a few people who are already anxious by showing data collected, but most people will be apathetic. Illustrate why its bad. Be systemic about it.

The stunt outlined elsewhere of texting someone with their info is good, but “we all know google isn’t going to threaten us” is the prevailing attitude. Demonstrate what google is going to do and how it hurts people individualy and directly. Until there are personal consequences, peopae won’t really care.

I’ve used privacy for a while now. I became devoted when a card I used at an independant business started being used to pay phone bills in new jersey; privacy auto blocked it. Since then, i’ve used it to kill subscriptions I don’t want by changing to a privacy card and setting the limit to zero. Its good stuff.