Don’t be worse than Russia. Please fix.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 26, 2023



No-no-no. They have worse quality control than even roscosmos, which is huge anti-achivement. I’d rather trust Rogozin personally, than boeing managers. At least we know on which dacha he stores stolen money.

Right, America. They even make people pay to become productive members of society.

If you dont check out in the app you are written up.

And what’s next?

AFAIK chat control 2. First one was struch down by ECHR.

which is an online component.

So, storing on Signal’s server key to decrypt keys. Welcome back to apple-isms and online-only.

It will fail immediately and you will be alerted.

Provided you have some other non-compromised way of communications.

Malware has access to it.

If fs is not encrypted, then malicious hardware(FSB agent’s laptop) also has access to it. If encrypted, then it we are back to statement many people told here about encrypting fs.

plus a rot13

That’s not salting.

Compromised hardware can’t create new signatures, but it doesn’t matter because it controls execution of software and can skip any checks.

If the hardware signatures don’t match

Compromised hardware will say it is same hardware

If the TPM/Secure Enclave is replaced/removed/modified, it will not boot without giving a warning.

Compromised hardware controls execution of software. Warning is done in software. Conpromised hardware won’t let it happen.

Well, yes. By refusing to boot. It can’t prevent booting if motherboard is replaced.

EDIT: s/do anything/prevent booting/

Any “secure” so that relies on someone else for security is not secure.

Fuck the scope of E2EE.

When someone has FSB/NSA agent behind them reading messages, no amount of encryption will help. Biggest cybersecurity vulnreability is located between monitor and chair. When you are texting someone else, that someone else’s chair-monitor space is also vulnreable.

Signal makes a lot of claims on their website that are laughable.

Well, maybe. I didn’t read their claims, nor I use signal.

Attachments are stored unencrypted, keys in plaintext.

Is OS-level encryption plaintext or not? If yes, then they are encrypted, provided user enables such feature in OS. If not - nothing if encrypted fundamentally.

If they were serious about security, they would depricate the windows app and block it from their servers.

WTF does Apple have to do with anything?

You just used applefans’ argument. Yeah, I wonder what.

Looked into anarc blog. What there wss said about Matrix can be said about SMTP and probably XMPP. To do GDPR you need to know every server you have sent message to. And compared to IRC defaults(forward and remove) anything will look like GDPR nightmare. GDPR was not designed for federated(like matrix and activitypub) communications and especially wasn’t designed for peer-to-peer communications.

bonus points with a personal server

Only with appservices. Doesn’t make sense otherwise.

But, but, “just use disk encryption”. Just…no…WTF?

So not encrypting keys is bad, but actually encrypting them is bad too? Ok.

Any on of your recipients could be using the desktop app and there’s no way to know unless they tell you.

Another applefan? How it THIS supposed to be in scope of E2EE? Moreover, how having a way to know if recepient is using desktop app is not opposite of privacy?

On top of that, all messages filter through Signal’s servers, adding a single-point-of-failure to everything. Take away the servers, no more Signal.

Indeed. This is why I use Matrix. Also, fuck showing phone numbers to everyone(I heard they did something about it) and registration with phone numbers.

Signal data will be encrypted if your disk is also encrypted.


and you don’t have any type of verified boot process

How motherboard refusing to boot from another drive would protect anything?

Indeed, End-to-End Encryption protects data between those ends, not ends themselves. If ends are compromised, no math will help you.

lack encryption especially in the hands of a third party company managing your data

Are we still talking about local-only keys?

Or ext4 encrytion. Which is overpowered. You can have different keys for different files and directories.

AFAIK Android encrypts entire fs with one key. And ACL is not encryption.

You. Don’t. Store. Secrets. In. Plaintext.

Ok. Enter password at every launch.

Secret service API. Damn. That’s how FSB knows what it knows.

Jerboa parses url correctly. Look at RFC1738. hpath is made of hsegments, which are made from arbitrary amount of uchars and other symbols, uchars include unreserved, which includes safe, which includes dot.

So correct way to end sentence with url would be either by escaping url with some characters like [], or using markdown urls like [display text](url).

Horseapples. Why I suddenly see a lot of out of touch with reality statements lately?

I think it will go to my quotes collection. “We know what the rules are, we are saying they’re wrong”.

I’m downvoting you, but only because you wrote “whose only purpose is for shooting humans”, which is false statement.

Really, you could have used better examples like brass knuckles. They can’t be used for anything else other than injuring and killing people.

It’s continental system. Precedents don’t have as much power as in English system. And Netherlands are in ECHR jurisdiction, so it’s likely to be overturned found contradicting European Convention on Human Rights.

  1. Dutch court convicts engieneer, not Dutch engieneer gets convicted.
  2. I wouldn’t be surprised if Dutch court wants to say that he should have stayed in Russia and supported Putin’s war.