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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


I did some tweaking that I found online somewhere for host/client settings and since then, no not really. I’ve made sure that the host is wired in and I’m working on getting the deck dock wired in too but my house is old and not easily cat5-able. It doesn’t look GREAT most of the time but it’s pretty passable. I know you didn’t ask about undocked but with the smaller screen it definitely clears some stuff up and looks a little nicer.

Quick preface, this isn’t meant to be disrespectful or confrontational, I’m genuinely curious, but what are you playing while docked? I bought the dock and have only a tiny bit of buyer’s remorse because I feel like anything put up on the big screen is so low quality that it’s not even worth it and just either stream it from my PC to Deck or play on the PC directly. I admit I may be doing something wrong, I don’t have the time to fiddle with it to optimize.