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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Signals registrar is Markmonitor and is hosted from the US. Should everyone stop using signal?

What is the benefit to using your own key on top of protons encryption? Why not just use your own encryption with any other provider?

This privacy community and the conspiracies or flat out misunderstandings that are coming back from the Reddit grave feel like they are coming from the anonymouse joker and Rob Braxman.

It looks like ente.io for photo management will probably be listed on the privacy guides website soon: https://discuss.privacyguides.net/t/ente-photo-management/11763

For email/calendar/drive Proton is the easy choice. I know photo upload is on their radar too but like everything with proton it will probably be a while before that’s ready to roll out.