The Nexus Of Privacy looks at the connections between technology, policy, strategy, and justice. We’re also on the fediverse at and (but is having federation problems so now we’re here)

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Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Dec 14, 2023


Some of us do! But on the other hand when I sent out an action on this to a large group of local activists, I didn’t mention the StaSi, because I had a feeling that most people wouldn’t know what it was referring to.

If you’re in the US, now’s a great time to contact your Senators. You can either call the Congressional switchboard at (202) 224-3121 or use the [Senate directory]( to look up your legislators’ contact info. > > “Stop the FBI from expanding warrantless surveillance of innocent Americans. The House reauthorization contains the largest expansion of FISA Section 702 since it was created in 2008. Please oppose it -- and please oppose any attempt to reauthorize FISA Section 702 that doesn’t include warrant requirements, both for Section 702 data and for our sensitive, personal information sold to the government by data brokers.”