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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


Oh man, I totally forgot about Trillian. The days where everything was heading towards XMPP then it all exploded away from it again.

For us Gen-X’ers it was the age old, “I don’t use MSN chat, I use ICQ, someone else uses Yahoo chat.” Pidgin helped in those days.

Also, the export favourites function is pretty useless. It exports a sqlite db but there’s no visible way to import this into another copy of Magic Earth.

I replaced my Garmin sat nav with an old android phone using Magic Earth and it’s great for the most part. However, even after updating the maps last week, on our recent holiday around Scotland it wanted to send us up through a ‘new’ housing estate to get to the other side. Unfortunately, the main road was now closed off and then it was trying to get me to drive through someones living room to get back to the main road. The map kind of showed new housing estate roads but not to the scale of this development.