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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Mar 03, 2023


I use Iceraven with ublock, privacy badger, decentraleyes and canvasblocker.

Because it’s a decent competitor to the GitHub monopoly. It also has a few unique features when compared to it. Just guessing why OP uses it though (many people do)

Seeing how unethical the company is in general, it would’n’t surprise me if the anticheat was just the worst. Even forgetting the anticheat part, I would NEVER play it.

(Unethical is actually a pretty big euphemism here)

Yeah, most anticheats are actually just rootkits (running at kernel level with unlimited privileges). This is also a big security issue, some games like genshin impact have also been used to create botnets since there is only one privilege escalation from the game itself to the kernel.

Whenever you use an anticheat, you just have to take the company’s word for what they are doing with that kernel-level access.

Use librewolf instead of Firefox to get rid of the whole spyware part of it. Librewolf only has a single request when starting, to “check for updates”. But using Firefox is the second best thing you can do both for your privacy and to fight Google’s " Web Environment Integrity" crap.

Getting My AWS Account Deleted - Tarneo’s blog
This is an article about another example of Amazon being an asshole for account and data deletion.