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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


Thanks for elaborating! I don’t use search engines for political/news related queries so I guess that’s why I never noticed (or it’s so effective that I just accept it as the truth of course…). Either way, I agree that’s bad and I hope it’s not an issue with Kagi.

At the risk of sounding incredibly naive, what kind of western censorship are you talking about? I’ve never noticed that as an issue with either Google, DDG or kagi.

You’d need a way to run HomeAssistant and some interface to talk Zigbee, like the Conbee 2 or the SkyConnect mentioned here. I was looking into purchasing the SkyConnect last week after hearing about this Philips Hue crap but am not convinced it’s the way to go, I found several reports of reduced range with SkyConnect compared to the Conbee. See for example https://community.home-assistant.io/t/conbee-ii-vs-skyconnect-performance/545759/2 or https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/86231. Personally waiting a bit before I purchase either option as I have a hub that works now, but leaning towards the Conbee2 at the moment.

There’s plenty of small cases or even 3D printable stuff available to put them in a nice enclosure. You could also buy something with an enclosure included, like the atom lite which I got some time ago as a cheap bluetooth proxy; https://shop.m5stack.com/products/atom-lite-esp32-development-kit

I have a lot of ESPs around the house but they are all in enclosures.

Nice example!

I think proxying everything through lemmy would have a pretty big bandwidth/scalability impact. I expect the lemmy clients dont send any unique user info on these image requests so not sure how useful it would be as a spy pixel? Maybe I’m missing something :-)