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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: May 10, 2022


It is high time we start codifying at least some protections into law

Yes, it’s sadly true.

For the issue you described above you wouldn’t necessarily need license plate scanners as it might be done with "correlation analysis" using CCTVs.

China’s government, which has been the most aggressive in using surveillance and AI to control its population, uses co-appearance searches to spot protesters and dissidents by merging video with a vast network of databases.

[In the US] no laws expressly prohibit police from using co-appearance searches […], “but it’s an open question” whether doing so would violate constitutionally protected rights of free assembly and protections against unauthorized searches.

In Europe, Asia and Africa the situation is similar to the US afaik, which means police departments and private companies have to weigh the balance of security and privacy on their own.

It would be a start but not helpful if it stops there. The surveillance in China and its social credit system is a desaster for the people and much worse. A ban in the US doesn’t help the people over there.

Edit for an addition: Iran to install cameras in public to spot women wearing no hijab

Yes, but a federal ban in the US is not enough. We need bans also in Europe, China and all other countries …

As for a privacy-respecting website builder, you may consider b2evolution, although their themes could be better.