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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


Tbh, they very likely have cameras pointed at the bathroom entrances at the very least, and quite possibly in common areas of the bathrooms too. You’re at school. Not home. Your right to privacy is minimal at best.

Firefox on mobile has piles of apps generally now. No need for a list or nightly or beta.

Yup. When net neutrality died it let a few corporate overlords rise up and kill off much of the old free web. What much of us grew up on was a much fewer, wilder web. One you could still dream on and where you could still think damned near any new thing could come from anyone. Now, you pretty much have to already have $.

Honestly it’s one of my personal reasons for disliking AI. I (let alone most of our kids) don’t want or need a reason to think less, let alone own less of my content. FFS.