• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


I can get that AAA FPS Shooter does not benefit much from Linux user-base (statistics-wise) but in this case it sure seems like a big missed opportunity.

So, I would watch ~/.xsession-errors and /var/log/xorg.0.log for any warning and/or errors and try googling them.
Also Arch wiki is often great “checklist” even for different distros.

nvtop for monitoring the nvidia card memory and “cpu”, also glxgears for basic benchmarking.

I am guessing you are playing Peglin thru steam (so proton), you might want to try changing to proton experimental, see if it’s not just when playing thru proton.

I hope NVK can one time surpass the current nvidia driver, at least for the needs of a basic (possibly gaming oriented) linux user.
Nvidia simply does not care about that and it doesn’t seem like it will change anytime soon.

Thank you everyone, was rather sure that variable refresh rates of different monitors were a hard problem for X11.

So, in nvidia-settings I made my 120Hz one the primary and set the refresh rate from auto to the highest for both monitors (120, 60)

The only difference I noticed was that easyeffects window is now completely unreadable, somehow the text and frames bleeds out/blurs and only gets sharp when hovered with mouse but still buggy. Force-compositon-pipeline did not help there.
Will have to diagnose tomorrow.

  1. I love my AwesomeWM setup. Unless someone completely rewrites it, it will never work with Wayland (as far as I have read the gh issues).

  2. I need this PC to “just work” and I have seen a lot of problems with Wayland and Nvidia drivers, top-quality gaming is a secondary on this one so X11 has been the choice.
    Though I am aware stuff is getting better, should probably try it anyway

Does X11 still limit max FPS to the lowest of all monitors?
Title, I can't switch to Wayland because of nVidia (and because I love Awesome WM).