• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 15, 2023


Yes! Excellent advice!

I am a big fan of RSS and have been using it as my primary source of info for at least a decade.

I actually already had SBS but only just now realised that ABC pages (eg “just in”) can be entered directly and it’ll find the RSS version (using Reeder at least).

Do you have advice about how to centralise/organise RSS? I use Feedly as a cloud source that I point Reeder at (have also been playing with Fiery Feeds). But I can’t help but think there’s a better way that doesn’t involve a third party (again, privacy).

Thank you. That’s very helpful.

And yep, https://www.abc.net.au/news is exactly one of the sites I was thinking of. I notice their app makes many calls to firebaselogging-pa.googleapis.com and similar. Sending who knows what.

Moving to the web version I’m hoping can blunt such things. On iOS I use AdGuard, Hush, and StopTheMadness. https://d3ward.github.io/toolz/adblock.html tells me I’m not doing too bad in terms of ads and tracking.

Two others which are pretty bad with their apps but have very similar webpages:

https://touch.footytips.com.au/home https://www.afl.com.au/

I guess my question was if webpage versions of apps can/typically use Google analytics-type tracking of what you’re doing.

And more specifically if Safari with private relay, perhaps with some extensions, can hide anything such webpages are trying to scrape.

Apps that use google APIs (and similar) vs the webpage version - which is more private?
If I look at a news app on my iPhone, for example, I can see in iOS’s privacy report that the app is using various Google APIs for analytics, amongst others. I understand why (it’s free and easy for them) but means that despite the app not collecting data on me, Google still is. In this case, is using the web version of the app (which is often an option) more private? Here I’m assuming mobile Safari with privacy relay, plus some extensions to stop trackers etc. Thanks in advance.

Sorry, my bad. I thought this was a petition OP had set up. And not Mozilla themselves to protect Firefox. Sleep deprivation :(

Aah I see. Both. Didn’t think to disconnect from either and try separately.

I’ve already got the book now. But will remember this if I have the problem again in the future. Thanks.

Yes it was. It needed to be connected somehow to make the purchase.

Yeah I wouldn’t be surprised if both apps and webpages have access to the phone date/time for logs and to time stamp purchases etc. And Amazon use that to decide you’re not in the place your VPN is telling them.

Thanks. Still happened with location services disabled phone-wide.

Cheers, thanks for the very helpful info.

We paid for Nord quite a while ago with some special deal. I haven’t heard great things about them since though so might be time to ditch and pay for something better. I’ve heard Proton is good as well.

Yeah my payment method is US credit card. But Audible members get a credit (book) each month to buy a book with in addition to use physical money.

Everything for that account is US.

This might be it. I gave up and purchased from my desktop and the same steps worked straight away without issue. Maybe Amazon has access to phone info that I’m unaware of.

Nah the CC and billing address for my US account are fully local there. My AU and US accounts are totally seperate and everything is local for each.

I’ve tried both using their apps on my phone and the browser (Safari with privacy relay) with the same result (with VPN etc etc).

I agree, I can’t se how they’re doing this. Must be something I’ve overlooked. Or some new internet black magic they’re employing.

EDIT: Or the search result for the book I want isn’t actually available in the USA and they’ve just messed that up (since I’m searching from the US as far as they can see). I guess I could try buying a different book

I have a US Amazon account linked to a US home address and credit card. But I now live in Oz.

Audible uses your Amazon account. And regardless, I’m using an Audible credit for this purchase, so no actual payment anyway.

EDIT: and just to clarify, this is my US Amazon account I’ve had for years

Audible and Amazon accounts are the same. I have an AU account and a US account. But I’m only using the US account to buy the audiobook in the US store, using VPN and private browsing. No CC or similar involved.

But from Australia. So how does Amazon know I’m in Australia?!

From a privacy point-of-view I thought VPN masks such things. I’m trying to understand how Amazon is detecting my physical country.

It’s the version that comes up from a search for that book when using the USA Amazon or Audible site from my USA account plus with a USA VPN on. So I’m assuming the search results are for USA available titles.

As far as I know, Amazon should see me as being in the USA. Hence why I’m confused.

Appreciate the suggestions though.

Neither Amazon or Audible apps have any location services permissions.

Regardless, disabled it system-wide and didn’t make a difference. Thanks though.

Open private browsing window, make sure I’m fully logged out of Amazon. Then log in.

Ie wasn’t previously logged in before the VPN started or private window was opened.

On iOS. My VPN is set to USA and I’m logged into amazon.com (not .com.au).

Where would this setting be?

How does Amazon/Audible know my country with VPN and private browsing on?
Title. Trying to buy an audiobook with my US account from Australia. Am using a VPN and a fresh log in using a private browsing window. Still getting the “not for sale in this country…” How does Amazon/Audible still know my country?! EDIT: Thank you everyone for your suggestions, but I feel like we’re no closer to figuring out how Amazon is detecting my physical country. If they have some new “trick” surely this is a privacy issue as well?! EDIT 2: Important details, this is on my iPhone using both the Amazon and Audible apps, and via the web with Safari (mentioned below). Doesn’t work. I gave up and went to my desktop and was able to complete the purchase following the same steps without issue. So 🤷‍♂️ ?! Clearly Amazon is scraping some information from the phone to region lock the purchase. Still would love to know given VPN isn’t masking my location apparently.

Alternatives that aren’t so obscure you can’t get your family/friends to switch?