main: @milkytoast

here until ernest fixes kbin

  • 5 Posts
Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Feb 14, 2024

How can Proton monitor the dark web for my SSN if ive never given it to them?
Not sure if this is the right mag, but m/proton has very few members. lmk if i should move/delete this, thanks I'm on proton unlimited and I turned on Dark Web Monitoring. I figure since i use bitwarden for my password manager, i need to manually sync my passwords so proton can monitor for them. what about more important stuff like adresses, DOB, SSN, etc? proton says [here]( that they can monitor for all that stuff, but how, if they dont have it?

dont wanna do any config. this is something I’m willing to ignore privacy for, just would be nice if I didn’t have to

Privacy friendly art home alert system?
Our garage flooded last night (not the first time) and so I want to install some water sensors in the garage and basement. There's dumb ones that look similar to a smoke detector, but all they do is make noise, which I'm willing to bet I won't hear since I can barely hear the smoke detector in the kitchen when I'm upstairs. thats why I want a smart system so it rings an alarm on my phone as well, though if there was something with like a repeater I could install upstairs that would work too. thanks all

yeah I didn’t know that simple login and proton are essentially the same thing

SOLVED: If I pay for Proton Unlimited, do I get unlimited aliases through SimpleLogin’s API or only
~~I'm gonna be paying for Proton Unlimited soon, which gives me unlimited email aliases through Proton Pass. Currently, however, I use Bitwarden and a SimpleLogin API key to generate aliases. Does paying for Proton give me unlimited aliases through SimpleLogin since SL is owned by Proton?~~ So if I learned to fucking read it says that Proton Unlimited includes a SL Premium subscription with unlimited aliases

Can someone explain the “don’t put all your eggs in one basket” argument to me?
I'm (probably) switching to Proton Pass from Bitwarden because its easier to create email aliases (all in one instead of making an alias with SimpleLogin, then copying that to Bitwarden and making a password there) but I've heard people saying not to use Proton Pass to not "put all your eggs in one basket". Can someone explain what this means? Thought if there is a way to generate those aliases within Bitwarden (using Proton's alias not SimpleLogin's as I'm going to be paying for Proton Unlimited anyways, I don't wanna pay for SimpleLogin too) I'd appreciate it, as I prefer Bitwarden. Thank you all :) EDIT: I understand now. TL:DR: If one service dies you still have the other. Either way, turns out I can just grab my API Key from SimpleLogin and use it with Bitwarden, as thats what Proton uses anyways. Also the Proton Pass extension just shit itsself and I'm not a fan of Proton's UI so I will be sticking with Bitwarden.

only in real life on like billboards and stuff, and the occasional sponsorship in a YouTube video if I have thst channel white listed on sponsorblock (like if they’re funny) or if its one of those like “company supplied the product”, which I dont mind at all

well yea its not Craigslist itself that’s the issue, its the fact that its a smaller platform. and yea I use eBay or Craigslist for everything but vehicles.its sad that Craigslist has been forgotten though.

Craigslist also doesn’t have shit on it. try and buy a car on there. if you’re looking for a beater, sure. but a halfway decent sports car, fb marketplace is the only place

its still OK for other stuff, I’ve bought tools and whatnot off Craigslist, but for vehicles fb is unfortunately still king

hmm. dunno what I wanna do then. on one hand, I don’t want google to make money, but I want the site to make money

thanks for response

so by clicking I’m making google pay the site?

distrubuter charges? I thought they paid to be on the site? what?

who pays for clicked ads?
I just switched from ubo to adnaseam, and I'm wondering who's wallet is getting hurt by those ads "I" click? the ad company? does the site then make money? if the sites make money, can I choose where I click? I'd like to not give sites I don't agree with anything, but certain news sited I would thanks :)