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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Jan 04, 2024


That’s going to be a lot more work since comments and posts are decentralized here. You can probably easily get some of it but it will be hard to get all of it.

I used to work for a web hosting company and have seen so many horror cases that I agree with you that this is what is happening. I also think it’s kinda lazy to just say that they won’t support what people are using because it’s hard. Even 5 - 7 years ago, this was much harder than it is now.

We got it for funsies and went through the final Spanish test. We’re both fluent speakers, he’s native. We were unable to pass the final tests–not because we didn’t speak Spanish, but because it was actually a subjective interpretation of what was being said rather than an objective one, btu they treated it like it were objective. Basically you have to learn it THEIR way. As a linguist, this is a big no-no and I walked away.

I pretty much instantly lose respect for people who design sites to only support specific browsers. With the exception of Firefox, it’s all Chromium anyway so they don’t really need to worry about it. This isn’t like when Internet Explorer was a thing and broke web pages.