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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 11, 2023


I understand your perspective. Hopefully my critique wasn’t overstepping. I’m just one person with some ideas I thought would help you. Maybe so, maybe not! Seems like we’re both trying and that is all we can do. Have a nice day.

“The powers that be” doesn’t describe anything, nothing permanent anyway. The only constant is change, and that applies to leadership of any sort. A friendly leadership today is a hostile leadership tomorrow because its all a game of musical chairs. The tools to violate privacy, once created, will fall into all hands. In my opinion, we will learn the easy way… or the unfortunate way.

That said, I didn’t understand most of your message but responded to the small part that was communicated clearly.

Finally I’d like to (hopefully constructively) critique of your writing style. In the future I think that you should prioritize understandability and explanation over vocabulary and brevity. What use is a display of swordsmanship to a blind crowd?

Cool, then respond to this post with a video of you masturbating. It would be helpful to the scenario to include your full birth name, address, and employer, since that is the scenario that folks who would be blackmailed would be facing.

Since you really don’t care.

It is possible that you mean what you say, but I believe its more likely you lack imagination to what impact the above scenario would actually feel like once you’re in it.

That silly proposition aside, I agree with you about the microphone killswitch. Certainly overlooked.