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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


Let’s gooooo!

I’ll pray to Allah that this doesn’t get reintroduced to fuck us in the ass a couple years later. Y’all pray to whoever else to cover our bases.

It’s like every 2 days there is a catastrophic law for privacy introduced in the EU. Last time with E2EE now with HTTPS. It seems that the EU would agree to stop bit tech from spying but they don’t want anyone to hide from them.

If that’s the case then why do cars cry about wanting internet connection for updates?

  • I know about Fairphone but the specs are a bit limited IMO.
  • I do have a Pixel with the stock (I know bad idea) ROM but I rooted it. I do have the kdrag0n Safetynet fix, but there is one app that somehow finds out about it. I guess one app out of however many I have is not too bad now that I think about it.
  • I haven’t really looked too far into this, but I assume that they build some tamper detection in the seat warmers (unless they’re incompetent or lazy). But the good news is that the seat warming subscription is no longer there.
  • For this one I was just looking for things to complain about. I have no subscriptions for media and just buy the physical stuff (or digital from Bandcamp).

I guess it’s not a guarantee that DRM would be that proliferated and I can avoid it. I was being way to pessimistic at the time.

Thanks for uplifting words mate!

What was the struggle 20 years ago?

Yeah I guess it never really was perfect. But this one really caught me off guard since I took it for granted that the web is more free than the walled gardens that Google and Apple make. But the FOSS community is making some cool stuff these days that we gotta focus on.

Yeah that’s true. I guess I forgot that there are some really cool stuff that are objrctively better than the google stuff like hosting your own NAS, backup, local high quality music from Bandcamp, etc. Not to mention that Lemmy is really growing on me now.

This is Depressing
Does anyone else feel as if it's over when it comes to really owning your own things? As of now: - You don't have the option of having a phone with decent specs and replaceable parts - You have to have really good knowledge in tech to have private services that are on par with what the big companies offer - You have to put up with annoying compatibility issues if you install a custom ROM on your android phone - You cannot escape apps preventing you from using them if you root your device - Cars are becoming SaaS bullcrap - Everything is going for a subscription model in general And now Google is attempting to implement DRM on websites. If that goes through, Firefox is going to be relegated to privacy conscious websites (there aren't many of those). At this point, why even bother? Why do I go to great lengths at protecting my privacy if it means that I can't use most services I want? It sucks because the obvious solution is for people to move away from these bullshit companies and show that they actually care about their privacy. Even more important is to actually PAY for services they like instead of relying on free stuff. I'm not optimistic not just because the non privacy conscious side is lazy, but because my side is greedy. I mean one of the most popular communities on lemmy is "piracy" which makes it all the more reasonable for companies not to listen to privacy conscious people. I wouldn't say that this is the endgame but in this trajectory, privacy is gone before 2030.