• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 12, 2023


Wow this is such a clean and snappy Lemmy client, may become my new daily driver!

The “For You” feed looks like it has a similar focus as the one I have on Agora, which is a webapp for following people across the “extended Fediverse” as I call it (Mastodon, Bluesky, Threads, Nostr).

The For You feed on Agora utilizes a fork of the open source FediAlgo library to create a feed that combines interesting posts from people you follow, as well as friends of friends, and it learns your preferences based on whose content you like/boost.

Agora: https://agorasocial.app

Source code: https://github.com/ghobs91/agora

If that was actually the reason, Apple wouldn’t have allowed OsmAnd Maps, Maps.me, etc. and yet they’re in the US app store.

I didn’t say they were OSS (though I agree that it would be much better if it was), and I actually had no idea it wasn’t available in the US app store, since I installed it a while back when it still was. Not sure what’s going on there.

Ah that’s strange, I wonder why that is. I installed it from the app store a while back before it was removed, which is why I still have it on my phone. Not sure why they did that.