
Chemical Engineer, Software Engineer, Biomedical Engineer, Autistic, ADHDer, Dad of Two Guinea Pigs, Gay AF

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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Dec 01, 2023


@mr_MADAFAKA , I guess thier developers have some bad spaghetti code and can’t debug it enough to work on anything else. And if you were to get it to work, you’d outclass their developers and thus could cheat.

@ReversalHatchery , I completely agree. My ring 0 is sacred and I can’t prove there isn’t anything in it already, but I wouldn’t knowingly shove third party stuff into my kernel. I like to keep my apps restricted from anything they don’t need on my system in userland. However, millions upon millions of people installed Tencent’s Vanguard to play League of Legends like it wasn’t any big deal (it is). If people want an inner ring security module, I suppose that’s a bit their choice. 🤷🏽‍♂️

@Wahots @mudle , I hold that same relative feeling, but people do own their computers and if they want to play League of Legends and let someone into the kernel, who am I to tell them no? I ran league in Lutris, so no chance of making that decision even if I wanted to.