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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Garmin’s very solid at keeping your info private from most third parties. Should be safe from anything outside of a valid law enforcement request as long as you aren’t syncing with another service.

They said an alternative to Android Auto, which CarPlay is. They didn’t specify an Android-comparable alternative to Android Auto. I mentioned the goober thing after I got the 5 downvotes.

Btw nice username :)

They make a much larger effort than most tech companies out there. It’s substantially harder for an interested third party to get information from an iPhone user unless they have apps installed that allow for it. I’ve had clients complain about the lack of data they get from apple users compared to android, but there’s still identifiers like location from cell towers or wireless providers that can’t really be avoided.

I do fully expect Apple to buckle on their privacy stances the moment it becomes unprofitable though.

If privacy is a concern, don’t buy a smartphone or a car that connects to the internet. There isn’t a car OS or smartphone out there that is truly private. If you’ve got google services on your phone or are on a cell plan that’s tied to your name, your location and quite a substantial amount of identifiers make it easy for an interested party to track you.

This. Since OP was asking about android auto alternatives, there really aren’t any out there that I can think of other than CarPlay, which is Apple.

Apple and CarPlay are your best bets if you want something easily supported and commercially available while not sharing so much information with Google and advertisers in general. I know Apple gets a ton of hate, but they seem to care about privacy more than most tech companies.

For mapping applications, Apple Maps, HERE, or ODMAND are decent options that seem to respect your privacy.

Music-wise, you could use the built-in Apple Music app and load your own music in with iTunes or pay for the subscription if that’s your thing.

Edit: Downvoting me because you dislike Apple doesn’t make me wrong. I’m not even a big fan of the company. Grow up and present a better alternative that benefits and fits OP, ya goobers.

Edit 2: Also fun fact since this is a privacy-focused community. Instance admins can query who took what voting action on a post/set of posts. I don’t care enough to bother with setting up my own, but its easy to get caught if your are using the same accounts to manipulate votes. Also an avenue for identifying who you are or for an interested party to learn more about you. Stay safe out there!