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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Aug 27, 2023


Why would I engage when I know you’re not actually listening to me?

God you’re obnoxious. You got a .txt file you’re pasting these completely unoriginal russian-bot-tier zingers from?

At least I’m allowed to defend myself. I was assaulted about two weeks ago and I’m pretty fucking thankful for that “little piece of paper”

Completely uncalled for, they said nothing to suggest they thought that at all. Great job representing wherever the fuck you’re from by being totally insufferable.

Tbh I did not realize their prices increased. I’m happy to pay for their service though. It’s the only subscription I pay.

mailbox.org is quite good. I prefer them over protonmail because I want to use my own client. If you don’t care about using a web UI, use protonmail, otherwise use mailbox.org. you can also take a look at tutanota

PineTime is a great option. I wear mine every day. The firmware is licensed under the GPLv3 and the companion app Gadgetbridge is under the AGPLv3.

The firmware codebase (Infinitime) is pretty simple C++, I was able to make a lot of cool customizations to my watch by hacking at it. Good fun if you like doing that sort of thing. Kind of reminds me of Pebble Time a little bit back when it had its moment.